Roz Carroll
Roz Carroll is a body psychotherapist, trainer and writer. She teaches at the Minster Centre, The Chiron Centre, the Centre for Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Terapia.
She wrote and delivered the course Embodiment and Emotion for Confer. Her recent publications chapters include New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapy (Ed. Totton), and About a Body: Working with the Embodied Mind in Psychotherapy (Ed. Corrigal).
She wrote and delivered the course Embodiment and Emotion for Confer. Her recent publications chapters include New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapy (Ed. Totton), and About a Body: Working with the Embodied Mind in Psychotherapy (Ed. Corrigal).
Spiritual Narratives in Psychological Therapies III
Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 October 2010
Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 October 2010
New paradigms in psychotherapy technique - an intensive with Pat Ogden
Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 March 2009
Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 March 2009
The Practitioner's Body
Friday 4 and Saturday 5 April 2008
Friday 4 and Saturday 5 April 2008