MONDAY 30 MARCH 2009 - New developments in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Venue: University of Westminster, 309 Regents Street, London W1B 2UW
Chairperson: Dr Liz Hall (SPI, UK)
Venue: University of Westminster, 309 Regents Street, London W1B 2UW
Chairperson: Dr Liz Hall (SPI, UK)
09.30 PRESENTATION: Mentalizing and the Body
"Mentalizing"- the process by which we make sense of the contents of our own mind and that of others - is problematic for patients with trauma-related disorders. The process of mentalizing often occurs automatically, without thought or deliberation, and is influenced by many factors, including the posture, sensation, and movement of the body. We will describe the difference between "explicit" and "implicit" mentalizing, explore the body's role in mentalizing, and discuss somatic interventions useful in improving patients' mentalizing ability.
"Mentalizing"- the process by which we make sense of the contents of our own mind and that of others - is problematic for patients with trauma-related disorders. The process of mentalizing often occurs automatically, without thought or deliberation, and is influenced by many factors, including the posture, sensation, and movement of the body. We will describe the difference between "explicit" and "implicit" mentalizing, explore the body's role in mentalizing, and discuss somatic interventions useful in improving patients' mentalizing ability.
11.00 Questions and Answers
11.30 Coffee
PRESENTATION: Therapeutic Enactments
Highlighting the work of Philip Bromberg and its interface with SP, this presentation includes discussion and demonstration of the inevitability of therapeutic enactments and somatic transference and countertransference. Using video illustration and discussion, we will explore how aspects of therapist's subjectivity (including how it is tied to the therapist's history) are inevitably enacted in the clinical process, and that the therapist's gradual awareness of those moments facilitates therapeutic progress and allows the collisions to be negotiated.
Highlighting the work of Philip Bromberg and its interface with SP, this presentation includes discussion and demonstration of the inevitability of therapeutic enactments and somatic transference and countertransference. Using video illustration and discussion, we will explore how aspects of therapist's subjectivity (including how it is tied to the therapist's history) are inevitably enacted in the clinical process, and that the therapist's gradual awareness of those moments facilitates therapeutic progress and allows the collisions to be negotiated.
13.30 Lunch
14.30 Your pre-emailed questions explored
15.15 PRESENTATION: Spirituality and sensorimotor psychotherapy
We will discuss the interface of spirituality and psychotherapy, and learn experiential exercises that help clinicians maintain a sense of well being, inner peace, and mindful awareness when working with clients, especially those that are challenging or dysregulated.
We will discuss the interface of spirituality and psychotherapy, and learn experiential exercises that help clinicians maintain a sense of well being, inner peace, and mindful awareness when working with clients, especially those that are challenging or dysregulated.
16.15 Questions and Answers
17.00 End of seminar
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