Michael Ash
Michael Ash BSC, DO, ND, F.DipION has worked with patients for over 20 years through the improvement of the gut brain axis to augment intersecting approaches to recovery of their mental and physical health. He has published numerous related articles, and taught clinicians across many countries on how and why our bacterial cousins may be retrained to become our allies in the recovery of health. He has contributed chapters to the books, Nutrition and Mental Health a Handbook (2008), Biochemical Imbalances in Disease, Nutrition and Addiction (2010), Supporting Recovery from Food and Substance Misuse with Nutritional and Lifestyle Interventions (2011). He is the Editor of www.nleducation.co.uk, and MD of www.nutri-linkltd.co.uk
Psychoneuroimmunology and Psychotherapy: Finding the Interface
Tuesday evenings 17 April - 26 June 2012
Tuesday evenings 17 April - 26 June 2012
The Practitioner's Body
Friday 4 & Saturday 5 April 2008
Friday 4 & Saturday 5 April 2008